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Sobre Mi

My name is Gabriel, I'm a copywriter, translator, designer writer, proofreader, ghost writer, music producer, violinist, IT security administrator and currently studying Fullstack with Paython. I'm focused on developing my career as well as helping others to develop theirs as well. Well here I'm totally motivated and always ready!

I'll talk a little about myself. I consider myself a restless, curious, self-taught person, as well as multifaceted. The areas in which I mainly work are: music, computing, as a writer and translator, and electronics. Within I.T I'm a programmer, audio and video editing, content creation for social networks as well as audio and video mixing for various platforms, I'm also an information security administrator. As a writer and translator I'm ghostwriter, proofreader. As an electronics technician, well, there is no software that will work without hardware. Creativity is my motivation and action is my religion. I'm waiting to face new challenges that can bring out my full potential. There's a saying that people end up taking most of their music to the grave, I don't want to be one of them, I want to give the world as much as I can.


Salary to be agreed
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